Jonathan M.T. Hariandja

Jonathan M.T. Hariandja has handled a variety of litigation and non-litigation cases for national and international clients, among others, business cases, share ownership cases, land cases, inheritance cases, consumer protection cases, intellectual property cases (trade mark and copyrights), construction cases, aviation cases, labor cases, bankruptcy and suspension of debt payment obligation cases, business competition cases, criminal cases, and Administrative Law cases.

Prior to establishing JHP Law Office, Jonathan M.T. Hariandja had many years of experience as a Litigation Partner at one of the top tier and leading law firms in Jakarta.


Law Faculty of Parahyangan Catholic University, Sarjana Hukum (S.H.), 2002.

Bar Admissions

Admitted in Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI) – Indonesian Bar Association.



Indonesian and English

Henry D. Hutagaol

Henry D. Hutagaol is an Advocate and a Partner at JHP Law Office. He has expertise in dealing with cases of objection to and annulment of Government Official’s Decrees in the Administrative Court, Judicial Review, as well as expertise in Public Finance Law and Corruption Law.


In addition, he is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Universitas Indonesia specifically for the following subjects: Administrative Law, Public Finance Law, State-Owned Enterprises Law. In some occasions, he was invited to give his opinion at several government institutions such as the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia; the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP); the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI); the Regional Representative Council (DPD) and various Regional Governments.


Bar Admissions

Admitted in Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI) – Indonesian Bar Association.


Law Faculty of Universitas Indonesia: Sarjana Hukum (S.H.), 2002;
Universitet van Amsterdam, Master of Laws (LL.M.), 2009.

Jessy A. Aruan

Of Counsel

Jessy A. Aruan

Jessy A. Aruan is an of counsel for the corporate and commercial law practice division in JHP Law Office. She has diverse experience in business and commercial law. Jessy advises on all aspects of contractual matters, corporate matters, credit facility agreement and its security agreement, distributorship, franchise, joint venture, procurement agreement, share acquisition, sale and purchase, and freight agreement.

Jessy has years of experience as a Partner in Corporate Matters at one of the top tier and leading law firms in Jakarta. She has experience in assisting clients on transaction negotiations and conducting legal due diligence. Jessy’s primary focus is on providing a legal solution that works with clients’ business and interest.


Law Faculty of Universitas Indonesia: Sarjana Hukum (S.H.), 2002.

Bar Admissions

Admitted in Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI) – Indonesian Bar Association.



Indonesian and English

+6221 7989588